Now, we all know the dangers of sexual predators and the like in today's social networking world, what if a person who you never knew that lives 50 miles away from your home could pin point your exact location just by viewing on of your pictures?
In today's world of highspeed internet and cellular devices it's easy for someone to snap a picture of their friends with their phone and upload it to their Facebook/Myspace/Twitter account. But in this event of taking the picture, did you know that geotag data is stored in the Meta Data in the picture? With this information just about anyone can pinpoint your location in seconds without a second thought. I am going to teach you how to avoid this and to clean your pictures of this extra data so you can post in peace.
Lets begin shall we?
1. Locate the photo that you have taken with your phone.
2. Upload it to your computer, whether through email or usb cable, bluetooth, sd card or otherwise. Upload all of your photos to one folder that you are going to post, and make a second folder called "Pictures" or something like that, you'll see why in a second.
3. I would recommend downloading MetaStripper here because it's free and quite simply the easiest program for all of you who don't understand computers, you simply unzip and run, and if you can't do that you're outta luck.
4. Run the MetaStripper program, select the Start folder and browse to the folder of your pictures. Then click the radio button "Save to new folder:" and browse to that new folder that you just made called "Pictures" or whatever you named it. BTW, keep the Strip EXIF tags, Strip COM text and Strip IPTC info checkboxes checked.
5. Hit "Ok" and watch in amazement....... Ok but really, take all of your pictures that you just processed and put them into your online social network account.
Now wasn't that easy? And you might have just saved yourself from all of that lawsuits and stalking, raping and other nasty things, business that is rampant in the celebrity world.
Stay safe! And remember, keep your stick on the ice!
In today's world of highspeed internet and cellular devices it's easy for someone to snap a picture of their friends with their phone and upload it to their Facebook/Myspace/Twitter account. But in this event of taking the picture, did you know that geotag data is stored in the Meta Data in the picture? With this information just about anyone can pinpoint your location in seconds without a second thought. I am going to teach you how to avoid this and to clean your pictures of this extra data so you can post in peace.
Lets begin shall we?
1. Locate the photo that you have taken with your phone.
2. Upload it to your computer, whether through email or usb cable, bluetooth, sd card or otherwise. Upload all of your photos to one folder that you are going to post, and make a second folder called "Pictures" or something like that, you'll see why in a second.
3. I would recommend downloading MetaStripper here because it's free and quite simply the easiest program for all of you who don't understand computers, you simply unzip and run, and if you can't do that you're outta luck.
4. Run the MetaStripper program, select the Start folder and browse to the folder of your pictures. Then click the radio button "Save to new folder:" and browse to that new folder that you just made called "Pictures" or whatever you named it. BTW, keep the Strip EXIF tags, Strip COM text and Strip IPTC info checkboxes checked.
5. Hit "Ok" and watch in amazement....... Ok but really, take all of your pictures that you just processed and put them into your online social network account.
Now wasn't that easy? And you might have just saved yourself from all of that lawsuits and stalking, raping and other nasty things, business that is rampant in the celebrity world.
Stay safe! And remember, keep your stick on the ice!